Orange Boot =========== Introduction ------------ This utility will install a "BOOT" facility on a DragonDOS disk. The BOOT facility is a standard facility on DragonDOS which will load a file from the disk with the command BOOT, rather than having to specify RUN"FILENAME.BAS" or RUN"FILENAME.BIN" Although BOOT is a standard facility, the manual does not give any explanation on how to achieve this facility! Several methods have been published in various magazines, all of which seem to have their own drawbacks or limitations to specific versions of DragonDOS. Orange Boot will allow you to specify which file should be loaded by the BOOT command. Orange Boot will only reduce the total disk memory space by 256 bytes. Orange Boot has been tested on all of the following versions of DragonDOS: DragonDOS v1.0 SuperDOS E6 SuperDOS V6 DOSPlus V4 Cumana DOS V2 Orange Boot will check that the necessary sector on the disk has not been occupied by existing data - so it is possible in many cases to install a BOOT sector onto an existing disk. This check will only check for data that has been stored using standard SAVE or FWRITE commands. Disks that have had data stored on them using the SWRITE command should not be used unless that data is no longer required or the disk is reformatted. A new disk should be formatted with DSKINIT before using Orange Boot. If a disk with Orange Boot is reformatted then the BOOT sector will be deleted. Orange Boot will also check to see if there is an existing BOOT sector on the disk and give you the option to overwrite it with a new version if you want to. Orange Boot protects its own memory sector on the disk to prevent it being overwritten by normal SAVE or FWRITE commands, but it can be overwritten (destroyed) using the SWRITE command, so care should be taken with any program that uses ths command. Orange Boot resides on Track 0, Sector 3. Credits ------- (c) Orange Software 1988 The Garth, Star Road, Nant-y-Derby, Abergavenny, Gwent NP7 9DP