Caverns Of Doom =============== Journey into the Caverns of Doom. A text adventure for the seasoned adventurer. Written in 100% machine code, it has over 100 rooms and many tricks and traps to hinder your adventuring. Will you find your way out? Loading ------- CLOADM (ENTER) Method of Play -------------- The compass in the lower right of the screen displays all obvious directions of travel. In addition to these directions there will often be other places which you may go to. For example, GO PIT, etc. To travel in a given direction you may enter an entire command such as GO NORTH for north or you may abbreviate by simply typing N and ENTER to achieve the same result. In the case of NW, NE, SW and SE the two letter version must be used. Using Commands -------------- All commands must be entered as two words, a verb and a noun. The only exception to this is the PUT command which is entered as follows: PUT (OBJECT). The program will then ask for a one word location to place the object. Notes Regarding PUT and DROP ---------------------------- 1. It should be kept in mind that all objects have different weights and that this affects the number of objects which can be carried or placed in certain locations. 2. The GET and DROP commands support the EVERYTHING option. For example, DROP EVERYTHING will drop all objects carried. 3. To obtain a listing of objects carried, enter INVE. Scoring ------- Your score is increased by 10 points for reaching certain locations and for doing certain things. To find out what your score is at any time enter SCORE. Maximum score is 80 points. List of Verbs ------------- Only first four letters required. GO OPEN EAT QUIT LOOK EXTINGUISH FIX EMPTY EXAMINE MAKE REPAIR DRINK JUMP BUILD UNLIGHT FIRE GET CUT SCORE CLIMB TAKE SWIM SAVE LAUNCH PUT DIG DISMANTLE UNMAKE DROP FILL SHOOT UNBUILD UNLOCK OIL KILL LIGHT LOAD INVENTORY List of Nouns ------------- N or NORTH SHACK TOOLCHEST RED (ROCK) S or SOUTH BEAR SKELETON BLUE (ROCK) E or EAST WAIT MATCHES GREEN (ROCK) W or WEST BEAM DYNAMITE KNIFE U or UP ROPE JAR MUSHROOMS D or DOWN POLE PICKLES EVERYTHING SE LAMP OARS OUT SW FLASHLIGHT BOAT BOULDER NE GUN SAND DN for DOWN NW BULLET BROKE (LAMP) POOL SAW RAFT RIVER KEY DRUM WATER HAMMER OIL PIT NAIL SHOVEL BACK TOOLBOX MAGNIFIER Saving & Loading ---------------- Enter SAVE (ENTER) to save. To load, answer Y (ENTER) when asked if you wish to load a game. During a game, enter QUIT (ENTER) and respond Y (ENTER) to the "CARE TO TRY AGAIN?" prompt.