Chateau Of Gold =============== Introduction ------------ You are in an old chateau. The old Count who once lived there has died. He hid all his worldly goods in the house. He also hid a hoard of treasure valued at $2 million. To find this treasure, you must find various clues and, more importantly, the place to put them... Be warned. He also left traps for the unwary. So go carefully. Also, things may not always be as they seem. Go carefully and good luck! Screen Display -------------- To assist with your choice, your current position in the chateau will be displayed in the top right hand corner of the menu screen. The first value is the floor you are on (0 for cellar), The second value is the x co-ordinate. The third value is the y co-ordinate. Game Controls ------------- M - Move, E - Explore, O - Open, S - Status, P - Plan