Giant's Castle ============== Introduction ------------ An adventure by Mike Meineck. Junior Dragon Series - Programs for children Somewhere within the castle a fair maiden has been imprisoned by the wicked giant. Are you brave enough to explore the halls and dungeons to rescue her? To claim a hero's reward you'll have to prove yourself smarter than the creatures who guard her! Joysticks *not* required. Your Quest ---------- We're not sure why they do it, but Giants are always locked up fair maidens in their gloomy castles and heros (or heroines) have to be sought to rescue them. Old Blunderboots, the original inventor of the traditional giant's cry of "Fe-Fi-Fo-Fun", has locked up a beautiful princess in Castle Doom and it is up to you to rescue her. It won't be easy, since the castle is guarded by all sorts of horrid creatures who serve the Giant. Have courage! All you have to do to defeat the monsters and warlocks is to prove that you're smarter than they are (and we're sure you are!). If you feel just a teeny bit uncertain of winning one of these battles of wits, then you can always turn and run. Good luck in your quest and remember that in all good adventures you get more than one 'life'. Note To Parents And Teachers ---------------------------- The general knowledge questions included in this game may be changed as follows: Load the program in the usual manner and then remove the cassette. Replace the cassette with the blank cassette on which you wish to record the amended program (making sure that you commence recording away from the extreme end of the tape, which may be distorted). Instead of typing RUN, list the question area of the program by typing: LIST 3930-6130 (ENTER) By stopping and starting the listing, you will be able to examine the question blocks and decide upon the changes you require. Make a note of the question block start and finish line numbers where you intend to make changes. As an example, take lines 4070-4200, which asks for words opposite in meaning to a given word. Five sets of questions and answers are given and it is quite easy to change them. Take lines 4150 and 4160, which state that for Question 5 (Q = 5) the given word (or question (Q$) is "HARD" and the correct answer (A$) is "SORT". To make a change, type EDIT 4150 and press ENTER. Line 4150 will appear on the screen, followed by 4150 and a flashing cursor. By pressing the Spacebar the cursor should be moved along until the quotes before the word "HARD" appear. Now press the H key, which deletes the rest of the line and enables you to type in a new question word. After typing this in, remember to type in the final quotes (which were deleted). Now press ENTER and the line is permanently altered. Edit line 4160 in a similar fashion, this time typing in the answer required (and remembering to restore the deleted quotes). Check that you have charged the question and answer correctly by typing LIST 4150-4160 and press ENTER. IF you have made an error or want to make further changes, repeat the editing process given above. Similar changes can be made to all the question sequences to suit your requirements. Once you have completed all the changes you require, check that the OK symbol and cursor are on the screen. Press the Record and Play buttons on your recorder down simultaneously. Type type in: CSAVE "GIANT3" (ENTER) The revised program will then be saved to tape. Loading ------- CLOAD (ENTER) RUN (ENTER)