Halley's Comet ============== Halley's Comet -------------- The menu will offer you five options, each of which apart from QUIT will give you one of the programs listed in the book. Press a key between 1 and 4 to select a program, or press key 5 to leave the program. Each program will ask you to input data (see explanations in the book and examples below). To return to the menu, press Q. Sample Inputs ------------- Kepler: Semi-major axis 7; Eccentricity 0.3; Year of perihelion passage 1986; Initial year 1985; Yearly motion 15; Number of dates 24; Time interval 1.0. Altaz: Latitude +50; Year 1985; Month 11; Day of month 28; Hour 23; Minute 30. Moon: Year 1985; BC or AD AD; Month 11; Calendar G; Phase of moon 15. Halley: Gaussian constant 6.28; Perihelion distance 0.5; Year of perihelion passage 1986 and month 2.3; Year of initial date 1985 and month 7.3; Time interval 1; Number of dates 13. Loading ------- Tape: CHAIN"" (RETURN) Disc: SHIFT-BREAK After the larger program (Comet2) on the tape, there follow the four original programs listed in the book. The author and publishers are grateful to Chris Miller and Bryan Mooney for assistance with the programs.