Blockbusters ============ Blockbusters ------------ "I'll have a B please, Bob" "What B is twelve letters long and made up of hexagons?" "Blockbusters!" This is the *all-new computer game* of one of the most successful quiz shows ever! Pit your wits and knowledge about "Bob" (He's in the computer) or other players. If you make the grade, you'll move into high gear as you go for a Gold Run! So let's play Blockbusters! The Game -------- This is the all-new Blockbusters game of the successful ITV Quiz Show featuring Bob Holness and his keen contestants. The concept is exactly the same as the TV Show, except that the role of Bob Holness is taken by your computer. It's all about answering questions correctly and creating a connecting line across the Hexagon matrix. Playing Blockbusters -------------------- The computer version of Blockbusters should be played by two people. Two Player Mode --------------- Once the game has loaded, type in each name and press the key as told by the computer. Now the fun starts! As player 1 is trying to go one way across the Hexagon and Player 2 the other way, get ready to press your buzzer and beat the other player! Player 1 will be asked to pick a letter, say "P", from the Hexagon Screen and the computer "Bob" will ask a question "Which P...?" As quick as you can, press your buzzer key if you know the answer - don't forget the other player may beat you to it! The computer will decide which player pressed their buzzer first and that player then types in the answer which, in our example, will be one word beginning with "P". You will be told if the answer is right or wrong. Dictionary ---------- Don't worry if your spelling is not 100% accurate every time. We all know how easy it is to get excited because you think you know the anser, only to type in "DONARK" rather than "DOMARK". Our Computer "Bob" is programmed to understand what you meant and will either give you the benefit of the doubt or ask you to type in the answer again. Correct Answers --------------- When you give a correct answer, the Hexagon will change to your colour and off you go again! Blockbusters! ------------- You get Blockbusters! when you have connected one side to the other. When you have got Blockbusters once, that is not enough! It is the best of three games and the player who wins two of the three games goes on the Gold Run. Gold Run -------- You are a champion if you get to this stage. Now two or three letters appear in each Hexagon and you must connect one gold side with the other within 45 seconds to get the Gold Run. Timer ----- To get the game going at a faster pace, you can put a timer on answering the questions. Again, the Computer "Bob" will tell you how to do this. Loading ------- Tape: CHAIN"" (RETURN) Disc: Hold SHIFT and tap BREAK to boot disc.