Adventure 1: The Secret River ============================= Adventure 1: The Secret River ----------------------------- Your quest of the first adventure in the series is to locate and drink from a magical green river situated in deep underground caves that are rumoured to be heavily guarded by Trolls. The commands you need to know to start with are as follows: TAKE or GET Pick an object up DROP Drop an object NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST You only need to use the initial letter INVENTORY List your possessions PRAY Call on your God for help SEARCH Search for the secret doors and hidden treasure STATUS List your attributes ATTACK Engage in combat CAST SPELL Use spells There are many other commands which you will need to complete the adventure. These you will need to find for yourself. Playing The Game ---------------- On side one of this cassette you will find a Character Generator program. You should load this first. You then generate your character, pick your weapons, armour and choose your spells. Then save the character to tape and reload it into Adventure 1. When and if you successfully complete the adventure, your character will progress in experience. You then load it back into the generator program to relearn its spells and rest up ready for its next adventure, also with the option to spend some of its money found in its travels on better armour. When your character is generated it will have six attributes: 1. Constitution 2. Size 3. Strength 4. Intelligence 5. Power 6. Dexterity You will also have other abilities that are all directly related to the above six factors, i.e. High Power = Good With Magic. Your character will have between 20 and 140 Lunars (Silver Coins) to buy weapons and armour with. Your character can then choose spells that are fully explained in the generator program. These are: 1. Healing 2. Repair 3. Disruption 4. Protection 5. Teleportation 6. Detect Treasure 7. Detect Traps Your character also has a God that he can pray to if he gets really stuck. Whether he answers or not depends on how high your current power is. If he does, then he will help you out on your problem, and your power will be reduced permanently by one; if he does not, then your power will still be reduced by one, but not permanently. Loading ------- Tape: CHAIN"" (RETURN) Disc: Hold SHIFT and tap BREAK Game Credits ------------ Written by M. Latto Graphics by A. Crick Artwork by A. J. Lawes