Play It Again Sam 5: A Four Game Compilation ============================================ Imogen ------ Micro Power's recent hit This superbly animated adventure game, playing the part of Imogen the wizard with powers of metamorphosis, was highly praised when recently released for the BBC Micro. It is now also available for the first time for the Electron, having been specially prepared for this compilation. Both versions combine addictive and frustrating gameplay with highly detailed graphics. Elixir ------ Superior's humorous strategy game Help poor Cyril to return to his normal size by finding the elixir. Keep clear of the lipstick missiles, dodge the acid, and watch out for the "circulasaurus" creature. "The logical puzzles are well thought out... and give players something to get their teeth into." ... Acorn User Bug Blaster ----------- A classic hit from Alligata The best implementation of the "Centipede" game (even better than Superior's own version!). Fast-moving with very detailed graphics. Features include mushrooms, spiders and a mushroom-poisoning scorpion known as Brian. Nerve-tingling excitement... the better you get, the faster the action. Fortress -------- Pace/Amcom's No. 1 Hit "A new dimension in arcade games. The game is thrilling, the diagonally scrolling graphics superb and the sound effects excellent." ... Micro User racing runs very well." ... Acorn User