Mixed Grill March ================= The Plot -------- Markie is in the pub at Retrovision, about to tuck into the pub's last mixed grill. When comic book supervillain Mixed Grill Man (aka Bane) realises that the pub has no more mixed grills left, he is distraught! In a fit of desperation he steals Markie's mixed grill, and makes a run for it! You play the role of Markie and have to chase him and get your mixed grill back! Introduction ------------ Mixed Grill March is a BBC Micro homage to Namco Bandai Games' eccentric WiiWare title Muscle March, a grey import of which proved particularly popular at Retrovision 2010. As Markie, Retrovision organiser, in his full Ming the Merciless TV animated character costume, you must chase and match the pose of Bane, AKA comic book supervillain Mixed Grill Man, as he tries to escape with your mixed grill, bashing his way through walls which have inexplicably been built in the way. At the end of each of four levels, the player must alternate key tapping rapidly to catch up and tackle the thief. Features -------- 1. Play as Markie, chasing Mixed Grill Man (aka Bane) to get your mixed grill back! 2. Four levels, that gradually get harder as Markie goes along (from fairly tame, to hardcore)! 3. Generic twelve bar blues music! With arpeggios! 4. MODE 7 title and instructions screen - with high score table! 5. A bit where you hammer the keys to catch the mixed grill thief (with parallax scrolling (sort-of!), and smooth single-pixel-horizontal-scrolled road and houses :D) Hours of fun and frustration! Game Controls ------------- The controls are A and Z to toggle your character's left hand, and * and ? for your character's right hand. Loading ------- CHAIN"" (RETURN) The disk version will boot with if you hold down SHIFT and tap the BREAK key.