Cavey ===== Introduction ------------ Cavey is in terrible trouble, those awful Pterodactyls are making his life a misery! They keep trying to drop large rocks on his head from above. Control Cavey to pick up the spears to throw at the pesky beasts to give him some peace. The Game -------- You control a caveman called Cavey. He has been trapped in the Valley of the Doomed and needs your help to fight off the swarming Pterodactyls using only five spears. The Pterodactyls cannot fly low enough to catch Cavey but carry rocks from the surrounding cliffs to drop on him, in order to knock him off his log bridge. Remember that Cavey must pick up spears before he can throw them. Game Controls ------------- Z - Left, X - Right, RETURN - Throw Spear Q/S - Sound Off/On, COPY/DELETE - Pause On/Off Loading ------- *TAPE (RETURN) CHAIN"" (RETURN)