Land Of Tezrel ============== Introduction ------------ You are in the mysterious land of Terzel. Your mission is to find the Magic Ring of Vorda. You have both friends and enemies in Tezrel. On your journey you will find a number of objects. For the experienced adventures amongst you, the above will be sufficient information. For those of you unaccustomed to adventure games, the following clues will assist further. Clues ----- 1. There are three creatures: a wizard, an old man and a dwarf, in the Land Of Tezrel. Some of the creatures will attack you and the dwarf may steal your sword. If your sword has been stolen by the dwarf, he creates an illusion that the sword is elsewhere. 2. Answer Zaribith's question truthfully or face dire consequences. 3. If you are in the possession of the food it can only be disposed of in one way. 4. Weapons are only effective when preceded by the word "use", e.g. USE SWORD 5. Typing INV will reveal what you are holding Game Hints ---------- For the compass directions, you need only type the first letter, e.g. N for NORTH. To continue in the last used direction, you need only press RETURN. Loading ------- CHAIN"" (RETURN)