Cut 'N Val ========== Educational Mathematics ----------------------- A versatile mathematics program designed to assist the understanding and utilization of mathematics taught from simple to advanced level (A Level). Cut 'N Val allows an exploratory approach through progressive exercises at the student's own pace. Upon completion of an exercise set, Cut 'N Val provides a test, if required. This includes a progress report. Instructions ------------ This version of Cut 'N Val will run on a BBC Model B under any Operating System. The program contains a demonstration exercise ready loaded, four others are included on the cassette for use with the program. The program name Cut 'N Val describes a principal feature, i.e. cut and evaluate. Certain questions may be cut or edited, either from the left or right side using the 'X' or DELETE key respectively. Rules ----- The following rules must be obeyed 1. When ready to answer a question, press Y 2. To curtail a question from the left, press X 3. To curtail a question from the right, press DELETE 4. You can cut a question to the required level, if you remove it completely it will be displayed again in full. 5. All brackets must be closed - There must be the same number of left hand and right hand brackets. 6. When you have answered a question you must either press 'A' to repeat the question, 'N' to move onto the next, or 'q' to end the exercise. Note: The answer to a question may be numeric or alternatively in some questions by a TRUE or FALSE response, e.g. 2+22=24 would be TRUE. After each attempt, the correct answer is given. The question may be repeated, the exercise continued or terminated as required. When an exercise section is completed, a test is given; if it is not needed, quit at this stage by pressing 'q'. During a test, questions cannot be cut. At the completion of a test, a visual or printout report indicates the number of questions correct first time, and lists questions which proved difficult in the exercise or were wrong in the test. Printer Use ----------- This facility exists within the program but is disabled. To engage it, the following procedure is adopted: 1. LOAD"CUTVAL" (RETURN) 2. LIST 10 (RETURN) 3. Change the value of PRN to TRUE. Note: The program is set for a printer using a serial interface, 9600 baud with linefeeds, using the ASCII code 35 for the pound sign. Should this be the case, no further adjustment is needed. SAVE this version on tape/disk. Proceed further for different printer requirements... 4. LIST 6700, (RETURN) 5. Locate the procedure PROCSPRINT. 6. Change the *FX calls to suit the printer type. 7. Change the variable PCHR (after the *FX calls) to the number used by the printer for the pound sign (at present it will be set to 35) SAVE the new version of the program to tape or disk, then run as normal. Upon running the program, you will be asked if a printout is required. Loading ------- CHAIN"CUTNVAL" (RETURN)