Wizard's Challenge ================== The Game -------- Wizard's Challenge is a text-only adventure where the computer acts as your eyes and ears as you wander through the fantasy world in search of the 12 treasures which the evil wizard has ordered you to find and bring to him. You have to travel through more than 100 different locations and solve over 50 problems to achieve this goal. You interact with the computer by using one- or two-word commands. Compass directions are available for moving from location to location: GO NORTH, MOVE NORTH, NORTH or just 'N' product the same result. Also: S, E, W, NE, SE, NW, SW, U (up), D (down), ENTER and EXIT. If you want to pick something up, you can type TAKE SCEPTRE or GET SCEPTRE. GET on its own picks up the first object found at that location. Typing INV causes the computer to take an inventory. LOOK recaps the current location's description. HELP is available if you get stuck: this gives an appropriate message for the current location. You are well advised to make a map as you go along so that all avenues open to you can be thoroughly explored. Loading ------- *TAPE (RETURN) PAGE=&E00 (RETURN) CHAIN"" (RETURN)