Castle Quest ============ Introduction ------------ The object of the game is to find the wizard's treasure which he has hidden somewhere in his castle. To do this, you will need to thoroughly explore the castle. On your travels you will meet many strange creatures, such as the troll, the wicked witch, and the giant spiders. You will also find objects which will be of use to you, e.g. a sword, a wand, a bucket, several torches, a stool, a ruby and an aqualung. To negotiate the hazards in the castle will require a combination of skill and hard thinking. All the functions provided need to be used at some time or another. If you get stuck, try to think of all the possible things you can do with the objects you have got, as correct use of the different objects forms the key to the game. Your score will increase as you explore more of the castle and if you complete the game, bonus points will be awarded for each life remaining, for each piece of treasure stored in your back-pack and for finishing in a fast time. Game Controls ------------- Z - Left, X - Right, : - Up (Also used to 'cling' to ladders when jumping onto them), ? - Down, RETURN - Jump P - Pick Up, D - Drop, S - Store f0, f1, f2, f3 - Select object for retrieval R - Retrieve When storing an object, the object is displayed at the top of the screen. When retrieving an object, it is moved from the top of the screen into your hand. Arrow Keys - Throw Object To throw an object, Retrieve it and then use the appropriate arrow key to throw it in the direction you wish. I - Information The Information key is also used as a pause key. It cycles, on each press through: 1. The name of the current object in your hand 2. Your current score 3. Return to gameplay ESCAPE - Restart Game The keys C and V will re-centre your man to the right of the screen. General Information ------------------- At any one time, you can have up to four objects stored and one being held. If you are holding an object and you pick up another, the object you pick up will be automatically stored. If you are standing on a bridge and you throw an object down, then the object will pass over the bridge and land on the surface below To get the object to land on the surface you are standing on, you must use Drop (Key D). Loading ------- From tape, CHAIN"" (RETURN) From disc, hold SHIFT and tap BREAK.