The Avaunting ============= The Avaunting ------------- Deep within the ancient history books lie legends of the evil witch Grotty Betty. As a student of the supernatural, you take a deep interest in tales of witches and you decide to investigate further. You find many writings about the witch and, after months of work, you come to the inevitable conclusion that Grotty Betty is still alive and living in a north Somerset village. You decide that you must seek her out and, if possible, kill her, ridding the world of her evil forever. Without even picking up your hat, you rush off to the bus stop and catch the next bus to the doom-laden village. You get off the bus by the village pond. The only thing you can see is a large green frog! With considerable apprehension and absolutely no idea of what to do, you begin your quest. The only clue you have is a reference to an old magic book which, supposedly, accounts the entire history of Grotty and may contain a method by which her destruction may be exacted. A copy of this book lies somewhere in the village. The first thing to do is find it. How To Play ----------- Commands and objects are referred to by the first four letters. The HELP command provides cryptic clues at some stages. It is a good idea to look at and read suitable objects when you come across them. If one way of asking the computer does not work, try others - they might! Any command can be entered using two words: [verb] [noun], but more detailed language may be used, i.e. PICK UP THE MATCHES. Directions are entered by the initial letter only, i.e. to go north, type N. Access to some rooms may require a key or another implement, which can be found around the village, but it may require yet another key to find it! Keys are referred to by LKEY for LARGE KEY, MKEY for MODERATE KEY, etc. You can save your position onto tape for continuation later by typing SAVE. LOAD loads the position back into the computer. Some items in the village have similar descriptions, e.g. A CLOSED DOOR and A WOODEN DOOR. One may be referred to by DOOR, while the other WOOD. Loading ------- Tape: CHAIN"" (RETURN) Disc: Hold SHIFT and tap BREAK.