Text Editor =========== Text Editor ----------- Text editor will enable you to write text to the screen, which may then be altered and edited, then sent to tape, disc or printer. The editor has features which include a word count, and auto addressing. Text editor is ideal for printing and keeping a record of all your personal letters, etc. Using Text Editor ----------------- Rather than give a general description of Text Editor we will go through the options as seen on the screen when the program is loaded. These options are all selected using the red function keys. When the program is loaded, you will be asked to input the page width. This can be altered to suit the width of the paper in your printer, etc; if you just press RETURN the width is set to 80. Next you are asked for the Page Number, this is so that you can identify different pages of the same letter, etc. If RETURN is pressed without typing a page number, the page is set to 1. HAving done this, you may start to type your text, or use the options below: f0: Alter --------- After pressing this key, you will be asked which line you wish to alter. That line is then displayed and you may either enter a new line or edit the old one using the COPY key. f1: Insert ---------- This will allow you to insert a new line between any other lines. You will be asked the number of the line *after* which you will insert the new one; so to insert a new line after line two, type "2" your new line will be inserted as line three, and the others will be moved accordingly. f2: Delete ---------- When asked for the number of the line you want to delete just type in the number of that line which will be deleted, and the rest will be closed up. f3: Word Count -------------- This will count the number of words you have typed so far and print the answer on the screen. f4: Address ----------- Providing you have a clean page this will put your name and address at the head of the page. This saves you having to type in your address each time. For those of you who are able to program this is how to get the address into the program. Load the second part of the tape (TEXED), and then list. Your own address may now be put into lines 1780 to 1810 and the program re-saved to tape. For those of you who don't feel they are able to do this, if you would like to send us the tape, together with a stamped addressed envelope, we would be glad to do this for you *free of charge*. f5: Page -------- This key is used to set a new page number. This also clears the memory so be sure to save the old page first. f6: Indent ---------- This will indent a line for a new paragraph etc. If pressed more than once on a new line, you will get extra indentations each time the key is pressed. f7: Disc -------- When pressed this will save your text on disc. If you don't have a disc drive fitted an error message will appear, but no action will be taken, you may then select tape, etc. (See tape for full details of procedure) f8: Tape -------- When this key is pressed (also f7) you will be asked whether you want to save or load a file. Next you will be asked for a filename; when saving text you should always give it a filename, also add the page number; this will make loading at a later date a lot easier. For example, if the name of your text is letter, and the page number is 2 then the filename should be LETTER2. These instructions also apply to f7: Disc. f9: Printer ----------- Pressing this key will send your text to your printer. If this key is pressed when a printer is not connected the computer may "crash" or "lock up". If this happens, pressing ESCAPE will correct the matter. Centre ------ To centre your headings etc type C (exactly as shown on the screen) on the line *after* the one you wish to centre, and press RETURN. Reading Text ------------ To read the text you have typed so far all you have to do is press ESCAPE. This will put the computer into the page mode and display your text on the screen. To get the text to scroll, press SHIFT. General Notes ------------- Each page consists of fifty lines, each of which are eighty characters long. You will be told when a page is full, and you may then save the page to tape or disc and carry on a new page. Printer Control Codes --------------------- The control codes for use with some printers, e.g. Epson and Seikosha, may be "hidden" in the text. These codes are put in by putting them within square brackets. On some printers for example, the code for double height characters is 14, so to get a line of double height characters just type [14] and then your text. These control codes will not, of course, be printed when your text is sent to the printer. If in doubt, see your printer manual. Loading ------- CHAIN"" (RETURN) Game Credits ------------ Author: Graham Smith G. SOFT, 18 Melbourne Road, Walthamstow, London E17 6LR