Games Of Logic And Cunning ========================== Auction ------- The object of the game is to buy antiques at an auction. The rules of bidding are as follows: 1. Each object has a fixedprice which must be reached to win the bidding. 2. Each bid must be at least one higher but not more than ten higher than the preceding bid. Flip ---- This game consists of a pattern which can be changed by dropping "marbles" into one of three holes. Each time you specify a hole, the pattern changes. Reverse ------- The object of the game is to order a row of letters in the least number of moves. You can reverse only the letters from the left hand side up to the letter whose key you press. For example, to order DEFCDA, press F you get FEDCBA - press A you get ABCDEF - done!! Number of letters to order 6-16. Telepathy --------- A small diversion for your entertainment. Hexa15 ------ (Model B only) The object of the game is to order the hexadecimal digits on a square grid in the least number of moves. You can move a digit only if it is adjacent to a blank square. You move it by pressing the corresponding key. Once and once only you are allowed to swap two digits: first press the SPACE BAR then the left digit of the pair you want to swap. In All Programs --------------- To go back a stage, press Escape key. User input is terminated by the Return key.