Acid Drops ========== Machine: BBC Micro B Author: Mike Granby The Game -------- There are three types of aliens for you to shoot: moths, pods and spinners. Moths drop bombs, pods and spinners fire homing missiles. After a while the acid will rot through the acid bath at the top of the screen and start its deadly downpour. If you are hit by a bomb, homing missible or acid drop your ship will be destroyed. If a moth is hit by an acid drop it will mutate into a pod (a pod similarly hit will mutate into a spinner). At the right of the screen is the gate to the next level. The gate will open slowly - you can speed up the process by destroying aliens. Once the gate is fully open your ship will convert to flight mode and you will have to guide it through the maze to the next level. High Score ---------- If your score is in the top nine, you will be invited to enter your name on the scoreboard. To do this, move the square over the required letter using the normal movement keys and press Fire. To delete a letter, place the square over the arrow left symbol and press Fire. Game Controls ------------- There are nine levels of play in Acid Drops. You can control the ship's movements with a joystick (L = low joystick sensitivity, M = medium joystick sensitivity, H = high joystick sensitivity) or the following keys: Z - Left, X - Right, : - Up, / - Down, RETURN - Fire S/Q - Sound/Quiet, P - Pause On/Off ESCAPE - Stop game