Fast Access Demo Disk ===================== Fast Access Demo Disk --------------------- This disk serves as an example of the kind of software which appears in Fast Access disk magazine. You will find a subscription invaluable because every issue of Fast Access is *full* of useful software. The programs are presented on disk in a readily available form, so there is no need to waste valuable time in setting up the computer. The friendly menu means the user can simply move the pointer onto the icon which represents a program and hit the RETURN key. The selected program will then start. Along with the *two* disks per issue come ten A5 size help cards which give instructions on how to use the programs while they are running. Full documentation is provided on disk and can be displayed on the screen or printed out on paper. *Free* with the first issue is a high quality ring binder for filing the disks and help cards. The cards and disks can be sorted into any convenient order. Fast Access provides programs and resources which no paper magazine does. The programs are ready to use straight away, and there is no need to type in long listings only to find they don't work. For those with an interest in Desk Top Publishing (using computers to produce news letters and magazines etc), there are screens of graphics which can be used as clip art. These graphics can be incorporated into the pages of documents. The pictures may be used in art classes as well. Look in the gallery for an example of the pictures to be found in Fast Access. Sound and music is another popular use of computers where Fast Access can be used to excellent effect. Just listen to the Addicts Anthem music composition for example. Fast Access has many more pieces of music and sound samples to listen to and analyse, plus music composition programs and learning aids are planned for future issues. For those learning to program, there are interactive tutorials which demonstrate theory and working algorithms. The 'Sort1' and 'Sort2' programs show how to write sort routines in BASIC. Along with all the above in each issue there are games, puzzles, serious routines and applications. All this builds into a comprehensive library of programs and resources. Nobody should be without access to Fast Access. Fast Access is available only by subscription. It is not available in the shops. A year's subscription consists of a free ring binder, twelve disks packed with software, sixty help cards and the occasional bonus disk. Subscribers can also take advantage of special price reductions that have been negotiated with software and hardware producers. Taking out a subscription could make your budget stretch just that bit further. Select the 'TopoDemo' icon for an example of one special offer. Fast Access is completely compatible with BBC Micro Model B, B+, Master 128 and Master Compact. We have also ensured a high degree of compatibility with Acorn Electron and Archimedes. Argus Specialist Publications (ASP) has published the Acorn Computer magazine A&B Computing for over six years, and published the popular Disk User for the BBC Micro. ASP also publishes such notable specialist magazines as Electronics Today International, Woodworker and Photography.