The Living Daylights ==================== The Cast -------- Brad Whittaker, international arms dealer and megalomaniac. Necros - his ruthless sidekick killer. Koskov, double-dealing KGB General and the beautiful Kara, the sophisticated Czech cellist who wins the hero's heart. Match them against James Bond, renowned British Secret Agent (for whom love and death is a way of life) and you have all the ingredients for a super spy story and a great gripping game! This game is closely based on the all-action film and coin-op Arcade game from Arcadia, but puts you into the action as you control James Bond through eight fast and furious levels. Moving from Gibraltar to Afghanistan, you encounter the SAS (friendly), the KGB (not so friendly!), enemy helicopters (very unfriendly!) and even a milkman with exploding bottles! Now go ahead and join James Bond - living on the edge! The Aim Of The Game ------------------- As James Bond you must shoot your way through all eight levels before you at last come face to face with the evil arms dealer - Brad Whittaker. General Koskov, the Russian KGB double-dealing agent helps Bond through his adventure - watch him closely - he may be treacherous! Once Whittaker's forces are destroyed, your mission is accomplished and the beautiful Kara is yours! Level 1: Gibraltar ------------------ Bond begins his adventure with a test of the defences on the island of Gibraltar in the Mediterranian. He must match his wits against the skills of the SAS, armed only with a paint pellet gun. After all, it is only a mock battle - or is it? Could one of the SAS men really be an enemy in disguise? Take care, he is out to kill! Level 2: The Lenin People's Conservatory ---------------------------------------- Can you get the Russian defector Koskov away from this KGB guards without injuring any of the music lovers enjoying the show inside. Koskov will follow you but it is up to you to defend him from the snipers who appear all over the building. Get him out of the area quickly. Level 3: The Pipeline --------------------- You must struggle Koskov past the pipe workers and send him on his way down the Trans-Siberian Pipeline. Watch out for the Russian Guards and the added danger of falling pipes! Level 4: The Mansion House -------------------------- You have managed to rescue Koskov but somebody wants him back! They have sent the ruthless killer Necros to snatch him back from the British Secret Service. Disguised as a milkman, he and his friends will try every dirty trick to get Koskov back. Watch out! Level 5: The Fairground ----------------------- You have to meet your fellow agent but Necros has followed you and has orders to kill! Level 6: Tangiers ----------------- Your mission to find the missing Koskov takes you to the rooftops of Tangiers where you must battle for your life. Level 7: The Military Complex ----------------------------- Trapped in the Afghanistan desert in the middle of a Russian Air Base. No problem for 007! Watch out as the enemy release all their forces against you. Can you survive? Level 8: Whittaker's House -------------------------- You finally mee the Mastermind behind the dastardly pot - Brad Whittaker the American Arms dealer and military historian. He unleashes all the power of his arsenal against you but you must fight on to reach him. Game Controls ------------- If you press Right so that the cursor hits the right side of the screen then Bond will run in that direction until you release the button. To make Bond jump and duck under flying objects etc, hold the fire button down while pushing Up and Down respectively. The Status Panel ---------------- This is the area at the bottom of the screen and shows Bond's strength, number of lives left, current weapons and score. Extra Weapons ------------- Bond must fight through eight levels to reach Brad Whittaker, the Mastermind behind all his troubles. Between each of these levels Q has kindly given Bond a chance to pick a weapon (or object) that may help him in his mission. Unfortunately, only one of the objects you can choose will prove useful on the next level. You have only five seconds to decide. Use thejoystick or direction keys to highlight the weapon you require and press fire to select. Remember: only one will be of real use. Selecting Weapon During Play ---------------------------- To select the special weapon object you have chosen, move the firing sight down to the *bottom right* of the screen. The status panel will show the current weapon and pressing fire will switch between the gun and the extra weapon. Moving up onto the playing area will continue the game, but now Bond can use the selected weapon. Note: Some weapons can only be used once. If you choose an object that cannot be used as a weapon, selecting it, activates the object and leaves you with the Walther PPK, to continue shooting. Among the weapons/objects you can choose are: Bazookas, grenades, night vision glasses, missile-firing pens and cigarettes, a hard hat, bombs, mortars, crossbows and a ghetto blaster! Game Controls ------------- Z - Left, X - Right, : - Up, ? - Down, RETURN - Fire Q/S - Sound Off/On, P - Pause, R - Restart, SHIFT-G - Quit Press SPACE to start the game. Loading ------- Tape: CHAIN"" (RETURN) Disc: Hold SHIFT and tap BREAK.