Record Keeper ============= Record Keeper ------------- Record Keeper is a versatile and flexible program designed to store and retrieve information for a variety of purposes. Use it at home to keep a book catalogue, a coin catalogue, a garden plant catalogue or any lists that you need to refer to often. Use it to keep the records of a small club for membership details and mailing. It is ideal for producing labels. Use it for a one-man business, to keep details of suppliers, customers and contacts. Record Keeper facilitates easy entry of your information into the computer, and easy and fast retrieval of all or part of your information, using its powerful Editor. The Editor also enables you rapidly to insert, amend or delete records. Record Keeper has a further powerful facility, Report, that lets you choose how to generate the layout of your information and display and print it. This cassette also contains an alternative version of Record Keeper for transfer onto a disk-based BBC Microcomputer without any need for amendments. Record Keeper can be fully listed and modified, or expanded by the user. It has been devised and written by Ian Trackman, consultant for the BBC TV series The Computer Programme and Making The Most Of Your Micro. Loading ------- Tape: CHAIN"" (RETURN) Disc: SHIFT-BREAK