Personal Computer News

Pound Note For Oric Shinwa CP-80 Users

Published in Personal Computer News #106

Pound Note For Oric Shinwa CP-80 Users

I have an Oric Atmos, and a Shinwa CP-80. The following program allows you to LPRINT the £ (pound) sign. The Atmos uses the ASCII code 95 for this symbol whereas the Shinwa uses 129. The program changes the jump vector for the LPRINT routine to #400 where a few bytes of code check and, if necessary, change the contents of the accumulator before jumping to the LPRINT address.

The routine has the advantage that you can swap a character for any other. The ASCII code for the character is the second byte of the data; the code for the substitute is the 6th byte. It works with any printer, allowing some of the more obscure symbols to be printed directly.

10 DOKE#23F,#400
20 FOR N=0 TO 8:READ J
30 POKE #400+N,J:NEXT
40 DATA 201,95,208,2,169,129,76,193,245

271 CPL J. Heymer, RAF Sealand, Clwyd

J. Heymer