Personal Computer News

Amstrad Version Of Beeb DIV Operator

Published in Personal Computer News #106

Amstrad Version Of Beeb DIV Operator

The CPC464 has two little known but useful features. The first is the counterpart of the BBC's DIV operator, represented by the '\' (the key above CTRL). For integer A and B, A\B returns the same result as INT(A/B), i.e. it returns the integer part of the quotient. If you get puzzling results check to see if you have used the correct symbol as both '\' and '/' are next to each other.

The other 'hidden extra' is CTRL-TAB which toggles between insert and overwrite mode. The latter overwrites text on the screen in the same way as the Commodore 64; the former shifts all the text along as you type.

D. Higham, Eccles, Manchester

D. Higham