Commodore User

By Firebird
Commodore 64

Published in Commodore User #20


Elite was the best-selling game ever on the BBC home computer, so impressed the software houses that a mad scramble ensued to get the rights to convert the game to other systems. Firebird, the British Telecom software house, won the scramble for a reputed £10,000.

A lot of money to pay for a game that is not original. The first deep-space strategy cum shoot-'em-up game was written for the Atari 400/800 and was called Star Raiders.

Star Raiders was never converted to the C64 so Elite, although not an original idea, is at least first on the C64.


The aim of the game is to achieve the supreme ranking of Elite. To do this you have to equip your spaceship, travel the myraid planets in the galaxy, doing war or trading - depending on your inclination.

The planets you wish to visit are chosen from an impressive galactic map. The computer keeps a record of your successes and failures. You need to boost your wealth - either by plunder or commerce - to enable you to equip your ship with the technology needed to reach that ultimate goal of 'elite'.

The C64 version of Elite is easily more impressive than the original BBC version with better sound and graphics and some additional gameplay elements.

Elite is complex and challenging. Its strength is that it appeals on several different levels. It is a flight simulation of some merit, a strategy game requiring careful planning, and a damn good shoot-'em-up, all rolled into one.