ZX Computing

Atlantis Software

Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Atlantis
Machine: Spectrum 48K

Published in ZX Computing #19

Atlantis Software

This company has two ranges of games available: their normal products at £1.99, which include Eights, a card game favourably reviewed by Clive Smith, and the new £2.99 Atlantis Gold programs.

As we go to press there are two in the latter category, Nicotine Nightmare and Self-Destruct, which are arcade type programs with elements of the chase and jump programs. They are fair games, the graphics are not bad, rather like early Spectrum games and movement is a little jerky. This is probably a result of the fact that they were compiled from Basic to machine code using the Mcoder from PSS. This is not bad in itself, but to get professional graphics you need separate user-written routines.

Good games which would have been excellent value at the £1.99 price and, though lacking sophistication, are fun.

El Dorado is their adventure game in which you are trying to re-establish Inti as one of the Inca Gods. This is quite complex and interesting and one to collect if you are into adventures or one to try if you are not. This one is priced at £1.99. Atlantis Software, 18 Prebend Street, London N1 8PF.

Other Reviews Of Eights For The Spectrum 48K

Eights (Atlantis)
A review by (Crash)

Eights (Atlantis)
A review by David Harwood (ZX Computing)