Big K


Publisher: Rabbit
Machine: Spectrum 16K/48K

Published in Big K #2


Basically (Cyril) the idea is that you man a revolving 75mm AA turret. Down on your head come the enemy paratroops, dropping like leaves from transporter planes. Blast the swine! Actually, there's a major conceptual mistake here, since - for even the most bizarrely homicial maniac - the very idea of potting paratroopers in mid-air is extremely repugnant.

Anyway, a good touch now emerges, since the revolving action of the turret is very accomplished; that said, this is about the only aspect of the program it's easy to like (do bear in mind this review refers exclusively to the Commodore version, since we didn't like Paratroopers enough to run the other versions). You have your choice of mobile or static turrets, by the way.

Bug City emerges not far into the game. A certain combination of turret movement and blasting causes an apparent momentary crash. Result: death. I assume this is a bug, since there was no apparent plot justification.

Every now and again a dirty great tank rolls through and crushes you to pieces - the result of allowing too many Red Devils to get themselves groundborne.

All in all, an unsatisfactory game, with a Nuremberg-style plotline and an unhappily bug-like habit of hanging up just when you don't need it. As if you'll care.