
Beverly Hills Cats

Publisher: Hi-Tec
Machine: Commodore 64

Published in Zzap #76

Beverly Hills Cats

This is, as they say in Hollywood, a 'star vehicle' for that streetwise feline, Top Cat. One of his gang, Benny the Ball, has inherited a huge fortune because the true heir, Amy, has gone missing and Benny is next in line. In short order, Benny moves into his new Beverly Hills mansion. Unfortunately Snerdly, the butler, is next in line for the fortune and has a sneaky plan to eliminate Benny!

TC embarks on a search for the missing Amy so she can gain her rightful inheritance and Benny can be saved from that dastardly Snerdly! In the first part of the game TC must round-up his gang and find a bone to distract Crusher the Dog so they can escape to the next level.

The game has an angled overhead view without much regard for proper perspective - irksome when you're trying to be precise avoiding hazards such as bouncing bombs, rolling barrels and skateboarders who steal any objects you've collected!

The graphics aren't too bad; colourful and cheerful. However, the accompanying tune is rather basic. Gameplay isn't too sophisticated either, consisting simply of exploring a largish flick-screen maze, dodging the baddies and picking up the vital objects.

It's tough with just a single life and isn't hugely addictive, but not too bad either and acceptable enough fare for mapping-minded fans.