Game Controls

You can choose the main keys that are used to play the game - use whichever you prefer, but not Q, S, P, U, M or the ESCAPE key, since these are fixed keys which control game features. The default keys are Z and X to move left and right, SHIFT to jump, SPACE to duck down and RETURN to fire.

Use S and Q to turn the sound on or off, M to turn the music on or off, P to pause the game and U to resume. Pressing ESCAPE ends the current game. Press the space bar to start a new game.

Colour/Monochrome Option

The game can be played using a colour or a monochrome display. Select the black and white option if you do not have a colour monitor or TV, in which case the game will adjust the colours to make the graphics easier to discern with a monochrome display.

Screen Designers

The following utilities are also available to allow you to edit the supplied screens of this game:


A cheat for this game was included on the Cheat It Again Joe 3 compilation, released by Impact (Refer to the specific instructions on that compilation and match the cheat to the specific version. Note that emulated versions of the game may not work with this cheat).


A digital version of this item can be downloaded right here at Everygamegoing (All our downloads are in .zip format).

Download What It Contains
A digital version of Shark suitable for BeebEm (PC (Windows)), PcBBC (PC (MS-DOS)), Model B Emulator (PC (Windows)), Elkulator 1.0 (PC (Windows))
A digital version of Shark suitable for BeebEm (PC (Windows)), PcBBC (PC (MS-DOS)), Model B Emulator (PC (Windows)), Elkulator 1.0 (PC (Windows))

Games Like Shark

Black Future '88

Black Future '88 (14th February 2020) (Nintendo Switch)

Language: English,

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  1. post spam, abuse or praise about the site
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  5. report bugs or issues in the game itself - we have no control over these!